This Is Why Denmark Is The Cancer Capital Of The World

With approximately 326 people in every 100,000 developing cancer every year, Denmark is named the Cancer Capital of the world.So the British newspaper The Telegraph published. One of the reasons fir the high number of people by whom cancer is discovered is the exceptional high level of quality in the Danish diagnostical skills.This means that more cases are discovered than in other countries and this explains this higher number. Danish Lifestyle linked to Cancer According the the World Cancer Resesearch Fund there is also a link between the high number of cancer patients and the Danish lifestyle.The amount of smoking women in Demark is higher than average and also the level of alcohol consumption is above world average.Smoking and drinking increase the risk of developing cancer. The published report also indicates that countries with a higher average income develop more cancer than the less developed parts of the world.

Thirteen European countries, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are in the top 20 of cancer rated countries.These figures do not automatically mean that the true number of people with cancer are higher in these countries because the figures are influenced by the level of diagnostical skills for a large proportion. Professor Martin Wiseman, Medical and Scientific Adviser for WCRF, said: “We know that people in high-income countries are more likely to be overweight, to drink a lot of alcohol and to be inactive. Weight Management is Key It is also shown in the report that weight management is one of the most effective methods to prevent cancer.Figures showed that about a third of all common cancer types could be prevented for a large proportion and this matches with the higher risks that people face in the countries with the higher incomes. Another effective prevention is more exercise and healthier food consumption.

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